


2020 Emmanuel Brochet Champagne Extra Brut Le Mont Benoit #234695242

12x 750ml

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Also From Emmanuel Brochet

Emmanuel Brochet Champagne

About Emmanuel Brochet

Emmanuel Brochet is a venerable Champagne vigneron known for his remarkable work within the premier cru region of Villers-Aux-Noeuds, located just southwest of Reims. Even with the encroachment of the city, he's managed to keep alive the splendor of the area's wine production, specifically from his vineyard of Le Mont Benoit, a mere 2.5ha stretch of land.

Brochet, who began working on a section of his family's estate in 1997, crafts his wines from the southeast-facing slopes of Le Mont Benoit. His parcel is situated on a bed of Cretaceous chalk, overlaid by approximately 25cm of argilo-calcaire topsoil, and it is home to each of the three principal grape varieties. The oldest of these vines have roots that go back to 1962, while about half of the parcel was replanted following the destructive frosts of 1985.

Brochet's venture into organic farming in 2008 was inspired by the sheer pleasure of winemaking, creating an environment that fosters a harmonious relationship between the vintner and the vineyard. This transition enhanced the quality of his wines, delivering a richer, more complex palate with abundant minerality.

Yields are kept moderate, as Brochet firmly believes in the importance of balance, which he asserts, is lost in wines with exceptionally low yields. He practices non-chaptalized winemaking, with grapes harvested at over ten degrees of natural potential alcohol. Using a 2000-kilogram vertical press, half the size of a traditional press, he manages to separate batches based on variety, vine age, and vineyard location, further focusing on the heart of the first pressing to achieve a more harmonious wine.

Emmanuel Brochet, though a master vintner, is also a self-taught artist and creative enthusiast, his life echoing the balance he strives for in his champagnes. This harmonious balance is manifest not only in his wine but also in his artistic pursuits and his energetic pastime of racing vintage cars.

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